WHEN: Wednesday Dec 17
TIME: 7:30pm-10pm
WHERE: 15th street NE. Brookland.
10 minutes from Brookland metro.
QUESTIONS: call Tatyana
(For people with allergies you should know that there's a cat in the house.)
WHAT ? ---Please bring any combination of food, drinks, audio (under 6 minutes) and friends to share (or all of the above)---
Here are some highlights from the November meeting. Thanks for hosting Ellen. Notes courtesy of Lauren:
The meeting opened with several ice-breaker questions: The sounds you've been hearing now that it's cold, ghost stories, or your totem color.
Ellen shared a ghost story from home when her friends left her near a former insane asylum near Al Capone's vacation home.
Lauren: sound of jingle bells around town.
Laura: Ghost story about a co-worker's dad who's family's underwear went missing one year and years later the dad found all the family's underwear balled up in a tiny space in the attic.
Elisa: She normally bikes to work, but because of the cold she's been taking the bus more and taking note of what people talk about on public transit.
Ginger: The sound of wind blowing through leaves and the Salvation Army bells
Teague: Bikes to work year round but he's recently noticed the swishy sound his cold-weather biking pants make. He also shared a spooky story about playing Sorry with his cousin and simultaneously they both thought of "Okra Winfrey."
Dorthea: The sound of water boiling for tea
Amy: The sound of leaves and seagulls swarming.
Ben: His totem color is yellow and he's been noticing the sound the florescent light emits in the cold because he has one near his shed.
Jocelyn: The sound lakes make when their ice has begun melting and re-freezing at the edges. Her totem color is gold because of her (perceived) sun deficiencies, or maybe teal?
Elisa shared a piece she produced about a music collective in Seattle: a musician talks about how connected the group is and how everyone he knows he's met through music. It's the first installment of her production, "The House Show Show"
We brainstormed ideas for how she can make the show happen/expand the reach:
New WAMU program: Bandwidth
Ben: Introduced the show Serial for the few who still haven't heard it and shared his favorite 30 second clip. We listened to the Serial theme song + Miley Cryus mashup and Jocelyn also shared a Mac secret to eliminate the quack sound when adjusting the volume: shift + volume keys.
Ellen shared the story of a guy's experience at a very strange funeral which was told at a Speakeasy DC event. Ellen volunteered to refurbish their now-defunct podcast so we brainstormed some possible shapes and themes to jump start the audio.
Elisa also shared a story of a haunting at the Embassy of Indonesia.
---More audio adventures next week! Looking forward to listening with you.---