His baby Phoebe…
Whaling cars
A helicopter over the city
Live BINGO game broadcast on the radio station Voice of Bonne Bay, Newfoundland (link shared from DCLL alumnus Shea Shackelford).
A black-crowned night heron
Jessica –
A neighbor doing some clamoring and banging around the house
Neal –
A Dr. Demento song, Tommy’s Egyptian Simba (listen at your own risk)
Joc –
Coyotes howling
Barry –
Had a nightmare in which he heard breathing in the house. Noted that auditory dreams are scarier since they don’t allow immediate verification, upon waking, that they don’t exist, unlike visual components.
Denée- shared audio from an a capella song she created and performed for Black History Month 2021, as part of the Kuumba Showcase sponsored by Baltimore’s Creative Alliance. The piece was called Black Butterfly and generated a lot of enthusiastic questions about her process.
Barry – was moved by the 10th anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, so shared an original and very personal composition described as “haunting” and having “dread,” and “with eyes closed, visions with echoes of familiar sounds such as chains on a swing set.”
Joc – mentioned her ear seemed to try to find rhythms where none really existed...and she shared a recording of ice melting and falling from a rooftop to the ground interested to find out if other people seemed to hear rhythms in it too (then geeked out about how complex the equation would need to be to predict the timing and rhythms of ice melt by mapping ice shapes and roof angles!).
Ben – played an interview with a friend who rescued a vulture, then kidnapped it back from a rehab facility, since they wouldn’t let her help care for it. He left listeners unsatisfied by stopping the tape as the phone rings at her house; the game warden a' callin…
Matthew – shared an audio/video composition of sounds made entirely by bicycle components. It was meticulously edited (using Ableton) and resulted in a stunning experience. DCLL listeners/viewers described it as “joyful” and “amazing.”
Henry – wrapped up the evening with a presentation of an original composition EN-CE-Qui, CONCERNE VOUS which involved a prepared guitar and moody overlays. It was an immersive tonal experience.
Announcements – Lizzy mentioned that the Smithsonian Podcast that she produces and hosts, Sidedoor, has a position for a producer – please apply!
And we said goodnight.